sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Jihadist attack in Paris

Jihadist attack in Paris

-Hollande blamed the Islamic State of slaughter Paris

-Hollande blamed the massacre at ISIS and promises to punish jihadists with all the mechanisms of the rule of law

-Security forces are seeking two fugitives after the attacks that caused 127 deaths and more than 300 wounded, 80 of them seriously.

-DIRECT Follow the last hour of the attacks

-GRAPHIC Place, victims and how the attack occurred each . 


martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Redacción de Inglés

My mum is called Monse and she's 40 years old . She's a house wife and she works in my house. In her free time , she likes watching TV in my house. She loves fashion. At home she likes cooking , she's very good at it. Actually, she loves cooking. She's got a kitchen, next to the bedroom.

By: Irene García Guardia 3º C ( Plan de Mejora )